Welcome to All Hat No Cattle, a PAC committed to turning Texas Blue.
Sit down, kick your boots off and listen to our Podcast.

Ann Richards famously referred to George Bush Sr. as “all hat, no cattle.” We are proud to use Ann’s way with words to name our PAC and honor her by working hard to turn Texas blue.

Our mission is simple, to flip the Texas House by smartly targeting flippable house districts using data and effective marketing strategies. Something desperately needed in Texas.

The Texas GOP has continuously moved to the right trying to appease the MAGA minority. We believe this will create an opportunity to win over disaffected Independents.
We believe Democrats have a once-in-a-decade opportunity to make real gains in the Texas House and Senate as Texas continues to trend in our direction. But we need to focus on turnout in House and Senate Districts. Doing the same ole same ole has proven to be a recipe for disaster. We must engage and inspire voters to go to the polls more than just every 4 years to vote for president. Voters must learn how important it is to vote for every Democrat on the ballot and we have to give them a real reason to do it. Please consider donating to help us achieve this goal.