All Hat No Cattle Texas News September 5th, 2023

It has been another interesting week in Texas politics
Angela Paxton, at a Collin County GOP-sponsored picnic with her husband Ken, announced her reelection campaign for Texas Senate District 8 a full two years early. This was likely to distract from the news that came out this week that she and her husband took a European trip in 2022 with a security detail that cost Texas taxpayers more than $80K. This whirlwind tour of Europe included a stop in Kosovo, where both of the Paxton’s peddled a friend’s 5G telecom company to the state government. The level of blatant cronyism with these two people is astounding.    

 Attorney General Paxton Goes on Trial 
The three-ring circus that is Paxton’s Senate trial starts today at 9 am. The Texas Tribune has a good rundown of how the trial will proceed. Paxton has been charged with 16 articles of impeachment and 21 State Senators must vote to convict him in order for him to lose his job (note, this is not a criminal trial). 12 of those Senators are Democrats, and the odds that nine GOP members will convict are slim, especially given that big-money interests are pushing hard to make sure he is not convicted. We will have to wait and see how they vote. If you are interested in watching, it will be broadcast here

Small Towns are Passing Abortion Trafficking Laws in Texas
Conservative Texas towns are passing laws that make it illegal for Texans to drive on their roads on their way out of the state to get an abortion in a drastic overreach of government power, this from a party that claims they want small government and believe in “freedom.” Texas may soon have checkpoint Charlies all over the state with police asking women questions about why they are driving through town. 

Why Donate to All Hat No Cattle?
We know Texans have a lot of places to donate their hard-earned money, and we were recently asked what makes us different from any other PAC in Texas. 
1) We’re homegrown activists. Joel and Angelica Montfort are both native Texans—born and raised. This is an effort FOR Texans, BY Texans. We’ve been working tirelessly for decades to help get Democrats in Texas elected and Joel even went and got a master’s degree in political science so he could gain the knowledge necessary to crack the code and figure out how to dethrone the GOP and finally get more Democrats a seat at the table where the laws of the land are made. 

2) We’re different. The same ‘ole, same ‘ole isn’t cutting it— we have BIG plans to do what no other Texas Democratic organization has succeeded at…and finally, save our great state from the stronghold that the Republicans have held on to for decades. All it’s going to take is to get folks to the polls to vote in EVERY election and to help Democratic candidates fund and staff their campaigns. And let’s talk about voter accountability. See, we aren’t afraid to loudly and proudly call out every Texas Democrat who isn’t doing their part to help us reach this goal. Some folks either don’t know or maybe they just don’t care, but we’re on a mission to raise awareness and hold accountable every under-voting, “gonna sit this one out” Texas Democrat and make sure they know their vote matters and that together we CAN make a difference. This will be accomplished by mailing targeted, personalized letters to voters, and then following up with personalized text and phone calls. 

3) We’re invested for the right reasons—we have a large family who we love dearly and we believe that Texas must change direction before it becomes uninhabitable by anyone with a lick of good sense. We know that with work, we can change the direction of this state and we’re committed to doing just that. It’s what’s best for our family and for yours too. 

4) We believe in Texas values and feel that transparency is important in politics. We will always show where every dollar we receive goes. 

5) We are committed to Texas for the long haul. We know flipping the Texas House will take multiple cycles, and it won’t happen overnight, but we’re ready for the long fight…been fighting it for years, and we’re ready to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

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Texas rolled out 774 new laws on September first. Included in this big list is a law that limits local control of mostly Democratic cities. Another law does nothing to address gun violence and gun availability in our state, rather it puts the onus on our schools to hire armed officers. Another law did nothing to address our 40-year-old grid that has come close to blackouts repeatedly this summer but does incentivize the building of more pollution generating gas powered plants.  

pollution-generating gas-poweredAll Hat No Cattle’s missionWe believe Democrats have a once-in-a-decade opportunity to make real gains in the Texas House and Senate as Texas continues to trend in Democratic. But we must focus on turnout in House and Senate Districts within the state. We must engage and inspire voters to go to the polls more than just every four years. Voters must learn to vote for every Democrat on the ballot and we have to give them a real reason to do it. Please consider donating to help us achieve this goal.