If you have been waiting for karma to catch up with Trump, your wait is over. This past week he surrendered in Fulton County, posted a $200K bond, and had a mugshot taken, whereupon social media went bonkers (see this video for a laugh). We also found out he self-reported he is a svelte 6'3" and 215 pounds…and I have oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you if you believe that. Trump, in his usual form, immediately posted his mugshot and has raised over $7M from the arrest. If you’re wondering if the fever has broken with the GOP, it hasn’t, and Texas will be one of the biggest battleground states in 2024. Biden only lost by 524K votes in our state.
Meanwhile, all the brown-nosing GOP presidential hopefuls pledged to support Trump as the nominee during the televised debate, even if he is convicted. Truly bonkers.
The Texas Frying Pan
Climate change is packing a real punch here in Texas as evidenced by the hottest August on record. Because of the heat, our creaky 40-year-old+ power grid had a rough time keeping up this past week, resulting in ERCOT repeatedly asking Texans to conserve electricity to stave off rolling blackouts. Last Thursday night was particularly tight, as power demand increased so much that prices jumped to the maximum of $5,000/kWh, and eminent rolling blackouts were only averted because of newly installed battery storage, which discharged 500 megawatts of power for 2 hours until the crisis passed. All of this can be averted if Texas invests in the grid.
Solar and wind are the way forward.
These two renewables have been the one bright spot in our problematic grid, providing 30- 40% of our power needs during these unbearably hot days. But, you would never know that based on the bills our GOP-controlled Legislature passed this year. This last session they spent nothing on fixing the grid, instead passing an energy incentives bill, which only incentivized new natural gas-powered plants and excluded renewables. The Texas GOP is bought and paid for by oil and gas interests, and they do not care about our children's future much less if this state is livable in 100 years. If we want change, real change, we have to elect Democrats to the Texas House to put an end to this insanity.
RNC is Heading to Houston for 2028The Republican National Committee has chosen Houston to host their convention in 2028 which is odd because the Texas GOP has been punishing Houston for voting Democratic these last few cycles. Houston ISD has been taken over by the state, and Harris County’s elections administrator had his job eliminated by the Legislature because they didn’t like the fact that Democrats are winning, voting lines are getting longer, and paper ballot shortages caused delays. Biden won Harris County with 56% of the vote in 2020.
Gerrymandering in Texas House Districts
Just how gerrymandered is the Texas House after 2020 redistricting? Think about this, adding up all the votes in Texas House races from the 2022 elections, the GOP received 2.6M votes, while Democrats received 2.3M votes, only a 12% difference. Yet, the GOP has 86 seats in the Texas House, compared to Democrat's 64, a 26% difference. They have stacked the deck in their favor.
But all hope is not lost, Democrats can win in some of these districts if we mobilize and organize. We must educate voters and get them to the polls. All Hat No Cattle has a plan, but we can't do it without your donation.
Please Chip in!
All Hat No Cattle’s mission
We believe Democrats have a once-in-a-decade opportunity to make real gains in the Texas House and Senate as Texas continues to trend in Democratic. But we must focus on turnout in House and Senate Districts within the state. We must engage and inspire voters to go to the polls more than just every four years. Voters must learn to vote for every Democrat on the ballot and we have to give them a real reason to do it. Please consider donating to help us achieve this goal.
Please Chip in to flip the Texas Legislature Blue!